Thursday, February 4, 2016

Month 1 Review

Month 1 Review

Ok so I am now on day 32 of my 26 day experiment, this fact alone should tell you everything you need to know! I have been converted, so far I am a huge advocate of this lifestyle. So much so that I now would feel confident to recommend it to others. After 1 month my energy levels are up, I feel fit and healthy, I rarely get hungry, my gym regime has been largely unaffected, I’m loving the food and getting into cooking and trying new recipes and last but not least my body fat is down!
Let’s see my results:
Start weight = 77kg
Starting Body Fat = 11%
Current weight = 74kg
Current Body Fat = 9%
My weight has been bouncing around at the 74kg mark for the last few weeks which is great as I never wanted to lose too much. My body fat I think is decreasing slowly, it’s sometimes hard to be entirely accurate with the callipers. I definitely feel like I’m started to see more definition in my stomach although I don’t really see it in my pictures. Other people have commented on how healthy I look and have started asking me what I am doing so something must be going right.
The biggest thing for me though has been the energy and just generally feeling good. I can’t explain it, I just feel healthy. I used to get hungry and grumpy and tired and now I don’t get that at all. I find with the cyclical carb loading I sometimes feel a little run down on the Monday/Tuesday as my body recalibrates but nothing too major.
My top keto tips:
  1. Drink lots of water
  2. Download a macros app like MyFitnessPal
  3. Try to hit your macros for each meal individually not overall for the day
My most useful keto food discoveries:
  1. Philadelphia cream cheese
  2. Bulletproof coffee
  3. Sugarfree Jelly and Cream
  4. Corn thins
  5. Well Naturally dark chocolate bars

Useful resources:
  1. Keto Calculator website
  2. Abel James podcast - Fatburning Man (The Wild Diet)
  3. "What the Fat" book
  4.  Google :)

I am going to keep this up for February at least however I am going to take a step back from macro counting and try to go a bit more off my gut as I feel like I have a solid understanding of what is in each of my foods. I won’t be posting every day but I will try to give regular updates.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Day 30 – Wednesday 3.2.16

Day 30 – Wednesday 3.2.16


I woke up feeling pretty good and went to the gym for legs and triceps. I did my usual breakfast, lunch and bulletproof coffee then played football after work. For dinner I finished the leftover taco mince and then also made some homemade burgers and had 2 of them. Finished off with jelly and cream.


End of day result:


Calories = 2355

Carbs = 35g (5%)

Fat = 201g (70%)

Protein 151g (25%)

Day 29 – Tuesday 2.2.16

Day 29 – Tuesday 2.2.16


Back to work today after the long weekend was tough and my body was sore from the kayaking. I got up and went to the gym though for chest and biceps and happily was able to get back up to my normal reps and weights. Carbs must have helped over the weekend. Standard scrambled eggs, bulletproof coffee then corn thins with cream cheese and salami. I did tacos again after work and finished it off with some jelly and cream.



End of day result:


Calories = 2355

Carbs = 35g (5%)

Fat = 192g (76%)

Protein 110g (19%)

Day 28 – Monday 1.2.16

Day 28 – Monday 1.2.16


Today was a public holiday so I didn’t have to work J I went to the gym and did some legs and triceps. I made some bacon, eggs and cheese for breakfast. I went on a kayak trip and they made us a BBQ so I had some steak and veges. When I got home I also had a couple of sausages and a bit of left over cauliflower mash.


End of day result:


Calories = 1555

Carbs = 12g (3%)

Fat = 115g (67%)

Protein 114g (30%)

Day 27 – Sunday 31.1.16

Day 27 – Sunday 31.1.16


Yes – Day 27!!! I have decided to keep going for another month so back on the wagon today. I didn’t go to the gym as I was feeling the vodka a little bit. Bacon and cheese for breakfast. Dinner I made some pork sausages and then made some Cauliflower mash with cream cheese and blue cheese. It was nice but I definitely think I can improve the recipe for next time. I also has a mint crisp well naturally bar.


End of day result:


Calories = 1396

Carbs = 14g (4%)

Fat = 119g (77%)

Protein 64g (18%)


I need to sort out bulletproof coffee ingredients for the house!

Day 26 – Saturday 30.1.16

Day 26 – Saturday 30.1.16


I didn’t count at all today. I had a bit of Hawaiian pizza for breakfast and then played a 90 minute football game in the scorching heat. I then did an hour in the gym for back and shoulders. I was going out for a meal so went to Korean BBQ and ate an ungodly amount of meat. I then went to a party and decided I wanted to have a few drinks so had vodka and soda.

Day 25 – Friday 29.1.16

Day 25 – Friday 29.1.16


I woke up feeling pretty good today and went to the gym to do chest and biceps. Today was the first time that I have seen an impact on the gym, I wasn’t able to finish all my reps on my usual weight, I just felt so drained. I would assume this is due to being carb depleted since the last carb load at the weekend. It could also have something to do with messing up my macros the last two days and having even lower carbs than normal. I didn’t feel bad but just couldn’t push the reps out. I did bacon and cheese for breakfast (I’ve been getting sick of the eggs). I had my bulletproof coffee then corn thins with cream cheese and a couple of sausages for lunch. At night time I went to the pub and had some butter chicken with a big plate of rice and some garlic bread to start my carb load.


End of day result:


Calories = 3130

Carbs = 153g (20%)

Fat = 216g (62%)

Protein 141g (18%)